A man cleaning Dishwasher with Vinegar

You Can Clean Dishwasher with Vinegar: Here’s How

Mon Apr 22 2024 - 15 min read

Dishwashers are a modern convenience that many of us can’t imagine living without. But like any appliance, they need regular care to perform at their best. Over time, food particles, grease, and soap scum can build up, reducing your dishwasher’s efficiency and leaving your dishes less than sparkling.

But did you know that the solution to a clean, well-functioning dishwasher might be as close as your pantry? That’s right - we’re talking about vinegar. This humble kitchen staple is a natural, affordable, and effective way to clean your dishwasher. Not only does vinegar excel at cutting through grease and mineral deposits, but it also helps to deodorize and sanitize your machine.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to use vinegar to clean your dishwasher, ensuring it runs efficiently and your dishes come out clean and shiny every time. So, let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

Before we dive into the details, here are the key points you’ll learn from this guide:

  • Understanding Your Dishwasher: Learn about the basic parts of your dishwasher and their functions, as well as common issues that can arise.

  • Why Vinegar?: Discover why vinegar is an effective, safe, and natural choice for cleaning your dishwasher.

  • Preparation Before Cleaning: Understand the importance of preparing your dishwasher for cleaning, including gathering necessary supplies and checking for clogs.

  • Step-by-Step Cleaning Guide: Follow a detailed guide on how to clean your dishwasher with vinegar, including the process of running the dishwasher with vinegar and letting it air dry.

  • Maintaining Your Dishwasher Post-Cleaning: Learn tips to keep your dishwasher clean longer, prevent smells, and carry out regular maintenance practices.

  • When Not to Use Vinegar: Understand situations where vinegar might not be the best cleaning agent and explore alternative cleaning methods.

  • Todo Home: Learn about Todo Home, a task manager for house chores that can help you keep on top of your dishwasher maintenance.

Now, let’s get started with our comprehensive guide on using vinegar to clean your dishwasher!

Understanding Your Dishwasher

Before we dive into the cleaning process, it’s important to understand the basic parts of your dishwasher and their functions. This will not only help you maintain your dishwasher better but also troubleshoot any issues that might arise.

Basic Parts of a Dishwasher and Their Functions:

  • Dish Racks: These are the spaces where you place your dishes. Most dishwashers have two racks, an upper and a lower one.

  • Spray Arms: Located below each rack, these arms spin and spray water to clean the dishes.

  • Detergent Dispenser: This is where you put your dishwasher detergent. It releases the detergent at the right time during the wash cycle.

  • Heating Element: This part heats the water to the necessary temperature and helps dry the dishes at the end of the cycle.

  • Drain: The drain removes the dirty water from the dishwasher.

  • Filters: These trap and collect food particles to prevent them from redepositing on your dishes or clogging the drain.

Common Issues with Dishwashers:

  • Not Cleaning Dishes Properly: This could be due to blocked spray arms, a clogged filter, or using the wrong type or amount of detergent.

  • Not Draining: A clog in the drain hose or a faulty drain pump can cause this issue.

  • Leaking: This could be due to a damaged door seal, a loose hose, or an overfilled dishwasher.

  • Not Starting: If your dishwasher doesn’t start, it could be an issue with the power supply, door latch, or control panel.

Understanding these components and common issues can help you better maintain your dishwasher and troubleshoot any problems that may arise. In the next section, we’ll discuss why vinegar is a great choice for cleaning your dishwasher and how to use it effectively.

Why Vinegar?

Vinegar is more than just a kitchen staple. It’s a versatile cleaning agent, using vinegar to clean dishwasher can help you maintain your dishwasher in top shape. But what makes vinegar so effective for cleaning? And what types of vinegar are suitable for cleaning a dishwasher? Let’s find out.

Properties of Vinegar for Cleaning:

  • Acidity: Vinegar is mildly acidic, which helps it break down grease, grime, and mineral deposits that can build up in your dishwasher over time.

  • Deodorizing: Vinegar is a natural deodorizer. It can help remove unpleasant odors in your dishwasher.

  • Sanitizing: The acetic acid in vinegar has antimicrobial properties, which can help sanitize your dishwasher.

  • Safe and Natural: Unlike many commercial cleaning products, vinegar is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, making it a safe choice for cleaning your dishwasher.

Types of Vinegar for Cleaning a Dishwasher:

While there are many types of vinegar available, white vinegar is the most suitable for cleaning a dishwasher. It’s clear, so it won’t stain your dishwasher, and it’s highly acidic, making it effective for cleaning. Distilled white vinegar is usually the best choice.

In the next section, we’ll guide you through the process of preparing your dishwasher for cleaning with vinegar. Stay tuned!

Preparation Before Cleaning

Before we start the cleaning process, it’s important to prepare your dishwasher and gather all the necessary supplies. This will ensure that the cleaning process goes smoothly and effectively.

Gathering Necessary Supplies:

You’ll need the following items to clean your dishwasher with vinegar:

  • Distilled white vinegar

  • A dishwasher-safe cup

  • Soft cloth or sponge

  • Warm soapy water

Checking and Unclogging the Dishwasher Filter:

Your dishwasher filter is responsible for trapping food particles to prevent them from re-depositing your dishes or clogging the drain. Over time, these particles can build up and need to be removed. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Locate your dishwasher’s filter. This is typically located at the bottom of the dishwasher.

  2. Remove the filter according to the instructions in your dishwasher’s manual.

  3. Rinse the filter under warm water and gently scrub it with a soft brush to remove any debris.

  4. Once clean, replace the filter.

Removing Any Leftover Food Particles:

In addition to the filter, you should also check the dishwasher drain for any leftover food particles. These can cause odors and reduce your dishwasher’s cleaning power. To clean the drain:

  1. Remove the bottom rack of your dishwasher to access the drain.

  2. Check the drain area and remove any food particles or debris you find.

  3. Replace the rack.

Now that your dishwasher is prepared, we can move on to the cleaning process. In the next section, we’ll guide you through the steps of cleaning your dishwasher with vinegar.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your Dishwasher with Vinegar

Cleaning your dishwasher with vinegar is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it:

  1. Empty Your Dishwasher Make sure your dishwasher is empty before you start the cleaning process. Remove all dishes and utensils.

  2. Place a Cup of Vinegar on the Top Rack Fill a dishwasher-safe cup with vinegar and place it on the top rack of your dishwasher. The vinegar will be dispersed throughout the dishwasher during the wash cycle, cleaning and deodorizing it.

  3. Run a Wash Cycle Close your dishwasher and set it to run a normal wash cycle. Choose the hottest water setting to ensure the vinegar is distributed thoroughly.

  4. Let the Vinegar Sit Once the wash cycle is complete, do not open the dishwasher immediately. Instead, let the vinegar sit and work its magic for about 15-20 minutes. This will allow the vinegar to break down any remaining grime or mineral deposits.

  5. Rinse with Warm Water After the vinegar has had time to sit, open the dishwasher and remove the cup. Then, run another wash cycle, this time without detergent or heat dry. This will rinse away any remaining vinegar and leave your dishwasher sparkling clean.

  6. Dry Your Dishwasher Once the rinse cycle is complete, open the dishwasher door and let it air dry. This is an important step as it helps prevent the growth of mold and mildew.

And there you have it! Your dishwasher is now clean and ready to tackle your next load of dishes. Remember, regular cleaning can help extend the life of your dishwasher and improve its performance. Happy cleaning!

Maintaining Your Dishwasher Post-Cleaning

Cleaning your dishwasher with vinegar is just the first step. To keep your dishwasher running efficiently and smelling fresh, regular maintenance is key. Here are some tips to help you maintain your dishwasher post-cleaning:

Tips to Keep Your Dishwasher Clean Longer:

  • Regular Cleaning: Aim to clean your dishwasher with vinegar once a month. Regular cleaning can prevent buildup of food particles, grease, and soap scum.

  • Rinse Dishes: Before loading dishes into the dishwasher, rinse them to remove large food particles. This can prevent clogs in the dishwasher drain and filter.

  • Load Correctly: Ensure dishes are properly loaded for the most effective cleaning. Avoid overcrowding as it can prevent water from reaching all the dishes.

How to Prevent Smells in the Dishwasher:

  • Regular Cleaning: As mentioned above, regular cleaning is key to preventing smells. A clean dishwasher is a fresh-smelling dishwasher.

  • Remove Trapped Food: Check the dishwasher drain and filter regularly for trapped food particles. These can cause unpleasant odors over time.

  • Air Out: After each wash cycle, leave the dishwasher door ajar to allow moisture to escape. This can prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can cause smells.

Regular Maintenance Practices for Your Dishwasher:

  • Inspect and Clean the Seals: The rubber seals around the dishwasher door can trap food particles and grime. Regularly wipe them down with a damp cloth.

  • Check and Clean the Spray Arms: The spray arms can get clogged with food particles and mineral deposits. Check them regularly and clean them as needed.

  • Check the Filter: The dishwasher filter needs regular cleaning to function properly. Check it regularly and clean it as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

By following these tips and practices, you can keep your dishwasher clean, efficient, and odor-free for longer. In the next section, we’ll discuss when not to use vinegar in your dishwasher.

When Not to Use Vinegar in Your Dishwasher

While vinegar is a great cleaning agent for many situations, there are times when it might not be the best choice for your dishwasher. Here’s when you should avoid using vinegar and what alternatives you can consider:

Situations Where Vinegar Might Not Be the Best Cleaning Agent:

  • Sensitive Materials: If your dishwasher has parts made of iron, wax, or certain types of wood, vinegar might cause damage due to its acidic nature. Always check the manufacturer’s instructions before using vinegar.

  • Severe Clogs or Issues: For severe clogs or mechanical issues, vinegar might not be enough. In these cases, it’s best to consult a professional or use a specialized cleaning product.

Alternative Cleaning Methods for These Situations:

  • Baking Soda: Baking soda is a gentle yet effective cleaning agent that can be used in place of vinegar. It’s great for removing stains and neutralizing odors. Here is our blog post: How to Clean Dishwasher with Baking Soda

  • Dishwasher Cleaning Products: There are many commercial cleaning products specifically designed for dishwashers. These can be a good option if vinegar is not suitable.

  • Professional Cleaning: For serious issues, consider hiring a professional. They have the tools and expertise to handle complex problems.

Remember, while vinegar is a fantastic, natural cleaning agent, it’s not always the best solution for every situation. Always consider the specific needs of your dishwasher and consult your user manual or a professional if you’re unsure.

Enhance Your Dishwasher Maintenance with Todo Home

While we’ve discussed how to manually clean and maintain your dishwasher, wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to automate this process? Enter Todo Home, a task manager for house chores that can help you keep on top of your dishwasher maintenance.

What is Todo Home?

Todo Home is a web application designed to manage house chores. It features interval-based tasks, collaboration, and a reward system, making housework more manageable and even fun!

How Can Todo Home Help with Dishwasher Maintenance?

With Todo Home, you can set up interval-based tasks for your dishwasher maintenance. For example, you can schedule a reminder to clean your dishwasher with vinegar once a month. This ensures that you never forget this important task.

The collaboration feature of Todo Home allows all members of your household to participate in maintaining the dishwasher. You can assign tasks to different members and track their progress. This not only shares the workload but also ensures everyone is invested in keeping the dishwasher in top shape.

What’s more, Todo Home’s reward system can make dishwasher maintenance more enjoyable. By assigning points to the task of cleaning the dishwasher, you can turn it into a game where members earn points for completing tasks. This can be a great way to motivate kids (and adults!) to participate in house chores.

In conclusion, while vinegar is a great tool for cleaning your dishwasher, Todo Home can be the perfect companion to ensure this task is done regularly and efficiently. Try Todo Home today and experience a new, stress-free way to manage your house chores!


Cleaning your dishwasher is an essential part of kitchen maintenance. Not only does it ensure your appliance runs efficiently, but it also helps to extend its lifespan. Using vinegar to clean your dishwasher is a simple, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly method. It’s a natural deodorizer and sanitizer that can effectively remove grease, grime, and mineral deposits.

We’ve walked you through the process of cleaning your dishwasher with vinegar, from understanding your dishwasher and preparing for cleaning to the step-by-step cleaning process and post-cleaning maintenance. We’ve also introduced you to Todo Home, a task manager that can help you keep on top of your dishwasher maintenance.

We hope this guide has been helpful and encourages you to try cleaning your dishwasher with vinegar. Remember, a clean dishwasher not only performs better but also creates a healthier environment for you and your family. Happy cleaning!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I use any type of vinegar to clean my dishwasher?

A: While there are many types of vinegar available, cleaning dishwasher with white vinegar is the most suitable. It’s clear, so it won’t stain your dishwasher, and it’s highly acidic, making it effective for cleaning.

Q: How often should I clean my dishwasher with vinegar?

A: It’s recommended to clean your dishwasher with vinegar once a month. Regular cleaning can prevent buildup of food particles, grease, and soap scum.

Q: What should I do if my dishwasher still smells after cleaning it with vinegar?

A: If your dishwasher still smells after cleaning, it could be due to trapped food particles. Check the dishwasher drain and filter regularly for trapped food particles and remove them. Also, let your dishwasher air dry after each wash cycle to prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can cause smells.

Q: Can vinegar damage my dishwasher?

A: Vinegar is generally safe for all dishwasher components. However, if your dishwasher has parts made of iron, wax, or certain types of wood, vinegar might cause damage due to its acidic nature. Always check the manufacturer’s instructions before using vinegar.

Q: What other household items can I use to clean my dishwasher?

A: Baking soda is another household item that can be used to clean your dishwasher. It’s great for removing stains and neutralizing odors. However, it’s always best to check your dishwasher’s manual before using any cleaning agents.

Q: How does Todo Home help with dishwasher maintenance?

A: Todo Home allows you to set up interval-based tasks for your dishwasher maintenance. You can schedule a reminder to clean your dishwasher with vinegar once a month. The collaboration feature of Todo Home allows all members of your household to participate in maintaining the dishwasher.

Q: Can I use vinegar to clean other kitchen appliances?

A: Yes, vinegar is a versatile cleaning agent that can be used to clean many kitchen appliances like refrigerators, ovens, and microwaves. However, it’s always best to check the manufacturer’s instructions before using vinegar on any appliance.

What is dishwasher vinegar (vinegar dishwasher)

A: Dishwasher vinegar refers to the use of distilled white vinegar in your dishwasher. It helps remove hard water build-up, disinfect the dishwasher, and eliminate odors. It’s recommended to use it monthly for regular maintenance.

Where to pour vinegar in dishwasher (where do you put the vinegar in the dishwasher)

A: For using vinegar in your dishwasher, pour one cup of vinegar in dishwasher-safe container and place it on the top rack. Then, run a hot water cycle.

Article by Siarhei K.


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