An illustration of a minimalist room

Why You Should Try the Minimalist Game

Thu May 16 2024 - 21 min read

Welcome to a world where less is more. A world where decluttering isn't just about tidying up, but about embracing a mindset of simplicity and intentionality. This is the world of the minimalist game decluttering method.

In an era where our homes (and minds) are often filled with unnecessary clutter, this method offers a practical, step-by-step approach to help you regain control and create a living space that truly reflects your values and lifestyle. Whether you're a seasoned home organizer or a beginner looking for a place to start, the minimalist game decluttering method is a tool that can transform your home and, by extension, your life.

So, are you ready to play the minimalist game? Let's dive in and explore how this method can make a difference in your world.

Key Takeaways

In this blog post, we will explore the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method, a unique and effective approach to home organization. Here are some key points we will cover:

  • Understanding the Minimalist Game: We'll delve into what this decluttering method is, why it exists, and how it stands out from other alternatives.

  • The Origin of the Method: Learn about the creators of the Minimalist Game and the history behind its development.

  • Why Consider the Minimalist Game: We'll discuss the benefits of this method and help you decide if it's the right fit for your decluttering needs.

  • Applying the Method: Get a step-by-step guide on how to implement the Minimalist Game in your home, complete with practical examples.

  • Complementing the Method: Find out if the Minimalist Game is enough on its own or if it should be used in conjunction with other tools or methods.

  • Pros and Cons: Gain an objective perspective on the advantages and disadvantages of the Minimalist Game.

  • Expected Results and Timeframe: Discover what results you can expect from using the Minimalist Game and how long it might take to see these results.

  • Real-life Examples: Read about how the Minimalist Game has been used in different situations.

  • Beyond the Home: Explore other areas where the Minimalist Game can be applied.

  • Making the Method Work for You: Get tips on how to adjust the Minimalist Game to make it more efficient for your specific needs.

  • Todo Home: Learn about Todo Home, a task manager for house chores that can complement the Minimalist Game and further assist with your home organization efforts.

By the end of this post, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method and how it can transform your home organization journey.

Understanding the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method

The Minimalist Game, also known as the 30-Day Minimalism Game or simply the Mins Game, is a fun and effective way to declutter your home. The concept is simple: on the first day of the game, you get rid of one item. On the second day, two items. On the third day, three items, and so on. By the end of the 30 days, you will have removed hundreds of unnecessary items from your home, creating a more organized and peaceful living space.

The Minimalist Game was created by The Minimalists, Joshua Fields Millburn, and Ryan Nicodemus, as a way to make decluttering a more enjoyable and less overwhelming process. The game-like structure adds an element of fun and competition (especially if you're playing with a friend or family member), which can help motivate you to keep going even when the task becomes challenging.

What sets the Minimalist Game apart from other decluttering methods is its gradual, yet exponential approach. Unlike methods that ask you to tackle all your clutter at once, the Minimalist Game starts small and gradually increases, making it more manageable and less intimidating. At the same time, the increasing daily targets create a sense of momentum and progress, helping you make significant changes over a month.

So, if you're looking for a decluttering method that's fun, manageable, and effective, the Minimalist Game might be just what you need. Ready to play?

The Origin of the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method

The Minimalist Game Decluttering Method, or the 'Mins Game' as it's often called, was invented by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, who are collectively known as The Minimalists. Both Millburn and Nicodemus were living what many would consider successful lives, with high-paying corporate jobs, luxury cars, and big houses. However, they found themselves feeling unfulfilled and stressed by the clutter in their lives.

In their quest for a more meaningful life, they discovered minimalism, a lifestyle that embraces living with less. They began to declutter their lives, getting rid of unnecessary possessions, and found that this process brought them a sense of peace and freedom they had been missing.

Wanting to share the benefits they experienced with others, they created the Minimalist Game. The idea was to make decluttering fun and manageable, turning it into a game rather than a chore. The increasing daily targets add an element of challenge and excitement, making the process of decluttering more engaging.

Since its creation, the Minimalist Game has gained popularity worldwide, helping countless individuals declutter their homes and embrace a more minimalist lifestyle. Its simplicity and effectiveness have made it a go-to method for those looking to reduce the clutter in their lives.

Why You Should Consider the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the clutter in your home, or if you've started a decluttering project only to abandon it halfway through, the Minimalist Game could be the solution you're looking for. Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider this method:

  1. It's manageable: The Minimalist Game starts small, making it easy to get started. As you progress, the challenge increases, but so does your decluttering muscle. By the time you reach the higher numbers, you'll be surprised at how much easier it has become to let go of items.

  2. It's motivating: The game-like structure of the Minimalist Game adds an element of fun and competition. If you're playing with a friend or family member, this can be a great motivator to keep going. Even if you're playing alone, trying to reach the next number can be a powerful incentive.

  3. It's effective: The Minimalist Game is not just about getting rid of stuff. It's about changing your relationship with your possessions and creating a home that reflects your values and lifestyle. By the end of the 30 days, you'll have a clearer, more organized space, and you'll have developed a better understanding of what you truly need and value.

  4. It's adaptable: The Minimalist Game can be adapted to suit your needs. If 30 days feels too daunting, you could try it for a week or a fortnight. If getting rid of one item on the first day feels too easy, you could start with a higher number. The key is to make the game work for you.

So, should you try the Minimalist Game? If you're looking for a decluttering method that's fun, manageable, and effective, the answer is a resounding yes. Give it a go, and see the difference it can make in your home and your life.

How to Apply the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method

Applying the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method to your home is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Choose a Start Date: Decide on a day to start the Minimalist Game. It could be the first day of a month, a weekend, or any day that works best for you.

  2. Day 1 - Discard One Item: On the first day, find one item in your home that you no longer need or love. This could be an old magazine, a broken toy, or a piece of clothing you haven't worn in years. Once you've chosen the item, remove it from your home by donating, selling, recycling, or trashing it.

  3. Day 2 - Discard Two Items: Find two items to remove on the second day. Remember, the items can be from any part of your home.

  4. Continue the Process: Continue this process for each day, increasing the number of items you discard. So, on Day 3, you'll discard three items; on Day 4, four items, and so on.

  5. Stay Committed: The challenge increases as the days go by, but stay committed. If you're finding it difficult, remember why you started this journey and the benefits of a decluttered home.

  6. Celebrate Your Progress: At the end of the 30 days, you'll have removed hundreds of items from your home. Celebrate your progress and enjoy your clutter-free space!

Remember, the goal of the Minimalist Game is not just to declutter, but to change your relationship with the items you own. It's about learning to let go of the things that don't add value to your life and making space for the things that do.

Complementing the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method

While the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method is a powerful tool for decluttering your home, it's important to remember that decluttering is just one part of maintaining an organized and peaceful living space. Depending on your specific needs and circumstances, you might find it helpful to complement the Minimalist Game with other tools and methods.

For instance, if you're struggling with time management, you might benefit from techniques like time blocking or the Pomodoro Technique. If you're finding it hard to let go of sentimental items, methods like the KonMari Method, which encourages you to keep only the items that 'spark joy', could be useful.

In addition, maintaining an organized home requires ongoing effort. Regular cleaning, tidying, and decluttering sessions can help prevent clutter from building up again. You might also want to consider adopting habits that prevent clutter in the first place, such as following the "one in, one out" rule (for every new item you bring into your home, you get rid of an old one).

Ultimately, the best approach to home organization is the one that works for you. The Minimalist Game Decluttering Method can be a great starting point, but don't be afraid to adapt it and combine it with other methods to suit your needs. Remember, the goal is not to achieve a perfectly minimalist home, but to create a space that brings you joy and peace.

Pros and Cons of the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method

Like any method, the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method has its strengths and weaknesses. Here's an objective look at some of the pros and cons:


  1. Simplicity: The rules of the Minimalist Game are easy to understand and follow, making it accessible to anyone, regardless of their decluttering experience.

  2. Motivation: The game-like structure can make decluttering more fun and motivating, especially if you're playing with others.

  3. Effectiveness: The Minimalist Game can help you get rid of a significant amount of clutter in a short time. By the end of the 30 days, you could have removed nearly 500 items from your home!


  1. Intensity: The Minimalist Game can be quite intense, especially towards the end of the month. Finding 30 items to discard in a single day can be challenging, particularly if you've already decluttered your home in the past.

  2. Lack of Focus on Organization: While the Minimalist Game is great for decluttering, it doesn't necessarily help with organization. Once you've removed the clutter, you might still need to find a way to organize the items you've decided to keep.

  3. Potential for Rebound: Because the Minimalist Game is a short-term challenge, there's a risk that you might rebound and accumulate clutter again once the game is over. To prevent this, it's important to combine the game with long-term habits and strategies for minimizing clutter.

In conclusion, the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method can be a powerful tool for decluttering, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Depending on your needs and circumstances, you might find it helpful to complement the game with other decluttering and organization methods.

Expected Results and Timeframe

Embarking on the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method journey can be an exciting and transformative experience. But what results can you expect, and how long will it take to see them?


The most immediate result you'll notice is a reduction in clutter. By the end of the 30-day challenge, you could have removed nearly 500 items from your home! This can lead to a more organized and peaceful living space, making your home more enjoyable to live in.

But the benefits of the Minimalist Game go beyond just a tidier home. By consciously choosing to let go of items, you're also developing a more mindful relationship with your possessions. This can lead to a shift in mindset, where you start to value quality over quantity and make more intentional choices about what you bring into your home.


The Minimalist Game is a 30-day challenge, so you'll start to see results in just a month. However, the impact of these results can last much longer. The habits and mindset shifts you develop during the game can lead to lasting changes in your lifestyle and relationship with your possessions.

Remember, everyone's journey with the Minimalist Game will be unique. The key is approaching it with an open mind and a willingness to let go.

Real-life Examples of the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method

To illustrate the impact of the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method, let's look at a few real-life examples:

  1. Sarah's Story: Sarah was feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in her small apartment. She decided to try the Minimalist Game and was amazed by the results. By the end of the 30 days, she had removed nearly 500 items from her home, creating a more organized and peaceful living space. She found that the game helped her identify the items that she truly valued and let go of the rest.

  2. Mike's Journey: Mike was always a collector, but his collections were starting to take over his home. He decided to try the Minimalist Game to regain control. He found the game challenging but rewarding. By the end of the month, he had significantly reduced his collections, keeping only the items that brought him joy.

  3. Emma and Jake's Challenge: Emma and Jake are a couple who decided to play the Minimalist Game together. They found that the game added an element of fun and competition to the decluttering process. They were able to support each other through the challenge and found that they were more successful in decluttering their home than they had been when trying to do it on their own.

These examples show how the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method can be used in different situations and by different people. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by clutter, looking to downsize your collections, or wanting to tackle decluttering as a team, the Minimalist Game can be an effective tool.

Beyond the Home: Other Uses for the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method

While the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method is often used for home organization, its principles can be applied to other areas of your life as well. Here are a few examples:

  1. Digital Decluttering: In our digital age, it's easy to accumulate a lot of digital clutter. You can use the Minimalist Game to declutter your digital life. This could involve deleting old emails, uninstalling unused apps, or organizing your digital files.

  2. Workplace Organization: The Minimalist Game can also be used in the workplace. You could use it to declutter your desk, your office, or even your work tasks. By focusing on what's essential and letting go of the rest, you can create a more organized and productive work environment.

  3. Mind Decluttering: The principles of the Minimalist Game can even be applied to your mind. You could use it as a tool for mindfulness, letting go of one negative thought or habit each day.

  4. Lifestyle Simplification: More broadly, the Minimalist Game can be a tool for lifestyle simplification. By gradually reducing your possessions, commitments, and distractions, you can create a simpler, more intentional life.

Remember, the goal of the Minimalist Game is not just to declutter, but to cultivate a mindset of simplicity and intentionality. By applying this mindset to different areas of your life, you can experience the benefits of minimalism beyond just a clutter-free home.

Making the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method Work for You

The beauty of the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method is its flexibility. While the basic rules of the game are simple, there's plenty of room for you to adapt the game to suit your specific needs and circumstances. Here are a few suggestions on how you can make the Minimalist Game work for you:

  1. Adjust the Timeframe: If 30 days feels too intense, consider adjusting the timeframe. You could play a 15-day game or a weekly game instead. The key is to choose a timeframe that feels manageable and sustainable for you.

  2. Choose Your Own Numbers: If you're finding it hard to let go of a large number of items each day, consider choosing your own numbers. Instead of increasing the number of items each day, you could choose a fixed number of items to discard each day.

  3. Focus on Specific Areas: If you're feeling overwhelmed by the idea of decluttering your entire home, consider focusing on specific areas. You could play a Minimalist Game just for your closet, your kitchen, or your garage.

  4. Play with a Partner: If you're finding it hard to stay motivated, consider playing the Minimalist Game with a partner. This could be a friend, a family member, or a coworker. Having someone to share the journey with can make the process more fun and motivating.

  5. Celebrate Your Wins: Don't forget to celebrate your progress along the way. Whether you've completed a day, a week, or the entire game, take a moment to acknowledge your achievement and celebrate your decluttered space.

Remember, the goal of the Minimalist Game is not to achieve perfection, but to make a positive change in your life. So, don't be afraid to bend the rules and make the game work for you. Happy decluttering!

Todo Home: Your Partner in Home Organization

While the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method is a great way to declutter your home, maintaining a clutter-free space requires ongoing effort. This is where Todo Home comes in.

Todo Home is a web application designed to help you manage your house chores. It features interval-based tasks, collaboration tools, and a reward system, making it a comprehensive solution for home organization.

With Todo Home, you can schedule recurring tasks, such as weekly decluttering sessions or monthly Minimalist Games. This can help you maintain the progress you've made and prevent clutter from building up again.

The collaboration tools allow you to involve your family members or housemates in the decluttering process. You can assign tasks, track progress, and even compete in decluttering challenges together. This can make decluttering more fun and motivating, and it can also foster a shared responsibility for maintaining a tidy home.

Finally, the reward system adds an extra layer of motivation. By earning rewards for completing tasks, you can make decluttering feel less like a chore and more like a game.

In conclusion, while the Minimalist Game Decluttering Method can help you declutter your home, tools like Todo Home can help you keep it that way. By combining these methods, you can create a home that is not only clutter-free but also easy to maintain.


The Minimalist Game Decluttering Method is more than just a decluttering strategy - it's a journey towards a simpler, more intentional life. By gradually letting go of the items that no longer serve us, we make room for what truly matters.

While the game can be challenging, especially as the month progresses, the rewards are well worth the effort. A clutter-free home is just the beginning. The true victory lies in the shift in mindset, the sense of accomplishment, and the freedom that comes from living with less.

So, why not give the Minimalist Game a try? Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by clutter, looking to simplify your life, or just up for a fun challenge, the Minimalist Game has something to offer. Remember, it's not about perfection, but progress. Every item you let go of is a step towards a more organized, peaceful home.

And don't forget, that tools like Todo Home are there to support you in your journey. By combining the Minimalist Game with effective task management and a supportive community, you'll be well on your way to a clutter-free home and a simpler life. Happy decluttering!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the rules for the game minimalism?

The rules for the Minimalist Game are simple: on the first day of the game, you get rid of one item. On the second day, two items. On the third day, three items, and so on. By the end of the 30 days, you will have removed hundreds of unnecessary items from your home.

  1. What is the minimalist challenge?

The minimalist challenge, also known as the Minimalist Game, is a 30-day decluttering challenge where you get rid of a number of items each day corresponding to the day of the month.

  1. How to play the mins game?

To play the Mins Game, you start on the first day of the month by getting rid of one item. On the second day, you get rid of two items. You continue this pattern, increasing the number of items you discard each day, until the end of the month.

  1. Who is the minimalist guy?

The Minimalist Game was created by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, who are collectively known as The Minimalists. They are authors, podcasters, filmmakers, and public speakers who promote a minimalist lifestyle.

  1. How long does it take to complete the Minimalist Game?

The Minimalist Game is typically played for 30 days.

  1. Can I play the Minimalist Game if I live in a small apartment?

Absolutely! The Minimalist Game can be adapted to suit any living situation. Even if you live in a small apartment, you can still benefit from decluttering and simplifying your space.

  1. What should I do with the items I decide to discard?

Items that are in good condition can be donated or sold. Items that are broken or worn out can be recycled or thrown away. Always try to dispose of items in a responsible and environmentally friendly way.

  1. Can I play the Minimalist Game with my children?

Yes, the Minimalist Game can be a great way to teach children about the value of simplicity and the importance of letting go of unnecessary possessions. You can adjust the rules to make them more suitable for children, such as by reducing the number of items they need to discard each day.

  1. What if I can't find enough items to discard towards the end of the game?

If you're finding it hard to meet the daily targets towards the end of the game, don't worry. The goal is not to get rid of items for the sake of it but to let go of the items that you no longer need or love. If you can't find enough items to discard, it might be a sign that you've reached a level of clutter that you're comfortable with.

  1. Can I repeat the Minimalist Game if I still have clutter after the first round?

Yes, you can repeat the Minimalist Game as many times as you like. Some people find it helpful to play the game once or twice a year to keep their clutter under control.

  1. How can Todo Home help me with the Minimalist Game?

Todo Home is a task manager for house chores that can help you schedule and track your Minimalist Game tasks. It also has a reward system to motivate you to complete your tasks. By using Todo Home, you can make the Minimalist Game even more effective and enjoyable.

Article by Siarhei K.


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