And illustration of the 12-12-12 challenge. Looks like a text 12-12-12 and some unneeded items around it

Why the 12-12-12 Challenge is Great for Decluttering

Mon May 20 2024 - 15 min read

Welcome to a new way of decluttering your home - the 12-12-12 Challenge. This unique and effective method adds an element of fun to the often daunting task of organizing your home. Instead of viewing decluttering as a chore, the 12-12-12 Challenge turns it into a game, making the process not just bearable, but enjoyable!

Whether you're a homeowner, a renter, or simply someone interested in home organization, this method is for you. Especially if you're new to decluttering or have tried other methods without success, the 12-12-12 Challenge could be the solution you've been looking for. So, are you ready to transform your living space and make decluttering a rewarding experience? Let's dive into the world of the 12-12-12 Challenge!

Key Takeaways

Before we dive into the details of the 12-12-12 Challenge, here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. The 12-12-12 Challenge is a unique and effective method for decluttering and organizing your home. It turns decluttering into a game, making it a fun and rewarding experience.

  2. This method was invented by Joshua Becker, a well-known minimalist and author, as a way to make decluttering more engaging and manageable.

  3. The 12-12-12 Challenge can be used on its own or in combination with other decluttering methods to enhance its effectiveness.

  4. While the 12-12-12 Challenge can yield significant results, it's important to remember that decluttering is a process. Consistency and patience are key.

  5. The 12-12-12 Challenge can be adapted to suit your specific needs and circumstances. Feel free to adjust it as necessary to make it work for you.

  6. Todo Home, a web application for managing house chores, can be a great companion for the 12-12-12 Challenge. It features interval-based tasks, collaboration, and a reward system to make decluttering even more efficient and enjoyable.

Now, let's explore the 12-12-12 Challenge in more detail and see how it can transform your home and your life.

Understanding the 12-12-12 Challenge

The 12-12-12 Challenge is a unique and effective method for decluttering and organizing your home. The concept is simple: find 12 items to throw away, 12 items to donate, and 12 items to be returned to their proper place. This totals 36 items per round, making a significant impact on your living space.

Unlike other decluttering methods that can feel overwhelming, the 12-12-12 Challenge turns the task into a game. It's a fun and rewarding way to quickly declutter your space. This method stands out because it's not just about getting rid of things - it's about finding a proper place for everything in your home.

Decluttering has numerous benefits. It can make your home more comfortable and functional, reduce stress, and even improve your productivity. The 12-12-12 Challenge is an excellent tool for achieving these benefits. It's simple, fun, and effective, making it a great choice for anyone looking to improve their home organization.

The Origin of the 12-12-12 Challenge

The 12-12-12 Challenge was created by Joshua Becker, a well-known minimalist and author. Becker is the founder of Becoming Minimalist, a website dedicated to inspiring others to pursue minimalism and simplicity. He invented the 12-12-12 Challenge as a fun and effective way to declutter and organize homes.

Becker's journey towards minimalism began when he was cleaning his garage one day, and a neighbor commented, 'Maybe you don’t need to own all this stuff.' This simple remark sparked a transformation in Becker's life. He began to question the need for excessive possessions and started exploring minimalism.

The 12-12-12 Challenge is a reflection of Becker's minimalist philosophy. It encourages people to let go of unnecessary items and create a more organized and peaceful living environment. The challenge has since gained popularity worldwide, helping countless individuals declutter their homes and embrace a simpler lifestyle.

Why You Should Consider the 12-12-12 Challenge

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the clutter in your home, the 12-12-12 Challenge could be the solution you've been looking for. This method offers a unique approach to decluttering that is both effective and enjoyable.

One of the main reasons to consider the 12-12-12 Challenge is its simplicity. The rules are easy to understand and follow, making it accessible for everyone, even those new to decluttering. It doesn't require any special tools or skills - just a willingness to let go of items you no longer need.

Another reason to consider the 12-12-12 Challenge is its effectiveness. By focusing on a specific number of items to throw away, donate, and return to their proper place, you can make a significant impact on your living space in a short amount of time.

Finally, the 12-12-12 Challenge makes decluttering fun. By turning it into a game, it adds an element of excitement to the process. This can motivate you to keep going, even when the task seems daunting.

So, if you're looking for a new way to declutter your home, why not give the 12-12-12 Challenge a try? It could be the game-changer you've been waiting for.

How to Apply the 12-12-12 Challenge in Your Home

Implementing the 12-12-12 Challenge in your home is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Choose a starting point: Start with a specific room or area in your home. It could be your living room, kitchen, bedroom, or even a specific drawer or closet.

  2. Find 12 items to throw away: Look for items that are broken, expired, or no longer useful. This could include old magazines, expired food items, or broken toys.

  3. Find 12 items to donate: Look for items that are in good condition but no longer serve a purpose in your home. This could include clothes that no longer fit, books you've already read, or kitchen gadgets you never use.

  4. Find 12 items to return to their proper place: These are items that are out of place. For example, a book that belongs on the bookshelf but is currently on the dining table.

  5. Repeat the process: Once you've completed one round of the 12-12-12 Challenge, move on to your home's next room or area. The goal is to keep going until you've decluttered your entire home.

Remember, the 12-12-12 Challenge is meant to be a fun and rewarding experience. Don't stress if you can't find exactly 12 items for each category every time. The important thing is that you're making progress and creating a more organized and peaceful living environment.

Complementing the 12-12-12 Challenge

While the 12-12-12 Challenge is a powerful tool for decluttering, it's important to remember that it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Depending on your specific needs and circumstances, you may find it helpful to use other tools or methods alongside the 12-12-12 Challenge to enhance its effectiveness.

For instance, if you're dealing with a large amount of clutter, you might want to consider using the KonMari Method. Developed by Marie Kondo, this method encourages you to keep only the items that 'spark joy', which can be a useful complement to the 12-12-12 Challenge.

Alternatively, if you're struggling with maintaining a decluttered space, the 'One In, One Out' rule could be beneficial. This rule states that for every new item you bring into your home, you should remove an old one. This can help prevent clutter from accumulating over time.

Remember, the key to successful decluttering is finding a method (or combination of methods) that works best for you. So don't be afraid to experiment and adjust the 12-12-12 Challenge to suit your needs.

Pros and Cons of the 12-12-12 Challenge

Like any method, the 12-12-12 Challenge has its strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these can help you decide if it's the right approach for you.


  1. Simplicity: The 12-12-12 Challenge is easy to understand and implement. You don't need any special tools or skills, just a willingness to declutter.

  2. Effectiveness: By focusing on a specific number of items to throw away, donate, and return to their proper place, you can make a significant impact on your living space in a short amount of time.

  3. Fun: The 12-12-12 Challenge turns decluttering into a game, making it an enjoyable activity rather than a chore.


  1. Not for Large Clutter: If you have a large amount of clutter, the 12-12-12 Challenge might not be enough. You may need to complement it with other methods or do multiple rounds.

  2. Requires Regular Effort: The 12-12-12 Challenge requires regular effort to maintain a decluttered space. If you're not consistent, clutter can quickly accumulate again.

  3. Not Tailored: The 12-12-12 Challenge is a general method and might not be tailored to your specific needs or preferences.

Remember, the key to successful decluttering is finding a method that works best for you. The 12-12-12 Challenge could be a great starting point, and you can always adjust it to better suit your needs.

Expected Results and Timeframe

The 12-12-12 Challenge can yield significant results in a relatively short time. After just one round of the challenge, you'll have decluttered 36 items from your space. This immediate reduction of clutter can make your home feel more spacious and organized.

The timeframe for seeing results with the 12-12-12 Challenge can vary depending on the amount of clutter in your home and how frequently you do the challenge. If you're doing the challenge daily, you could see a noticeable difference in your home in as little as a week. If you're doing the challenge less frequently, it might take a few weeks to a month to see significant results.

Remember, the goal of the 12-12-12 Challenge is not just to declutter, but to create a more organized and peaceful living environment. So, while you'll see immediate results in terms of reduced clutter, the longer-term benefits of improved organization and reduced stress might take a little longer to manifest. Stick with it, and you'll soon start to see the positive impact of the 12-12-12 Challenge on your home and your life.

Real-life Examples of the 12-12-12 Challenge

To give you a better idea of how the 12-12-12 Challenge works in practice, let's look at some real-life examples:

  1. The Busy Parent: A busy parent with two young children used the 12-12-12 Challenge to declutter their living room. They found 12 old toys to donate, 12 pieces of junk mail to throw away, and 12 misplaced items to return to their proper places. The result was a cleaner, more organized living space that was easier to manage.

  2. The College Student: A college student living in a small dorm room used the 12-12-12 Challenge to make the most of their limited space. They donated 12 old textbooks, threw away 12 pieces of trash, and returned 12 items to their rightful places. This helped them create a more organized and productive study environment.

  3. The Retiree: A retiree used the 12-12-12 Challenge to declutter their garage. They threw away 12 old paint cans, donated 12 unused tools, and returned 12 items to their proper storage spots. The result was a more functional and accessible garage.

These examples show that the 12-12-12 Challenge can be used in a variety of situations to effectively declutter and organize spaces. Whether you're a busy parent, a college student, or a retiree, this method can help you create a more organized and peaceful living environment.

Other Applications of the 12-12-12 Challenge

While the 12-12-12 Challenge is primarily used for home organization, its principles can be applied in other areas of life as well. Here are a few examples:

  1. Workspace Organization: Just like in your home, the 12-12-12 Challenge can be used to declutter your workspace. This can help create a more productive and less stressful work environment.

  2. Digital Decluttering: In our digital age, clutter isn't just physical. You can use the 12-12-12 Challenge to declutter your digital spaces, such as your email inbox or computer files.

  3. Time Management: The 12-12-12 Challenge can also be applied to your schedule. For example, you could aim to eliminate 12 minutes of wasted time, add 12 minutes of productive time, and spend 12 minutes on self-care each day.

  4. Healthy Habits: You can use the 12-12-12 Challenge to build healthier habits. For instance, you could aim to add 12 minutes of exercise, eliminate 12 minutes of screen time, and spend 12 minutes preparing healthy meals each day.

Remember, the key to the 12-12-12 Challenge is its flexibility. Feel free to adapt it to suit your needs and make it a part of your daily routine.

Making the 12-12-12 Challenge More Efficient

While the 12-12-12 Challenge is a powerful tool for decluttering, there are ways to make it even more efficient and suited to your specific needs. Here are some tips and suggestions:

  1. Prioritize Areas: Start with the areas in your home that are most cluttered or cause you the most stress. Seeing quick results in these areas can provide a motivational boost.

  2. Set a Timer: To keep the process manageable, consider setting a timer for your decluttering sessions. This can help you stay focused and prevent the task from becoming overwhelming.

  3. Involve Others: Make the 12-12-12 Challenge a family activity or invite friends to join in. This can make the process more fun and efficient.

  4. Stay Consistent: Try to do the 12-12-12 Challenge regularly, whether it's daily, weekly, or monthly. Consistency is key to maintaining a clutter-free home.

  5. Celebrate Progress: Remember to celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Each item you declutter brings you one step closer to a more organized and peaceful living environment.

Remember, the goal of the 12-12-12 Challenge is not perfection, but progress. So, don't be too hard on yourself if you don't reach the '12' in each category every time. The important thing is that you're making progress and creating a more organized and peaceful living environment.

Todo Home: Your Partner in the 12-12-12 Challenge

While the 12-12-12 Challenge is a powerful tool for decluttering, having a system to manage your house chores can make the process even more efficient. That's where Todo Home comes in.

Todo Home is a web application designed to help you manage your house chores. It features interval-based tasks, collaboration, and a reward system, making it a perfect companion for the 12-12-12 Challenge.

With Todo Home, you can schedule your decluttering tasks based on intervals. This means you can set up your 12-12-12 Challenge tasks to recur daily, weekly, or monthly, ensuring you stay consistent with your decluttering efforts.

The collaboration feature allows you to involve your family members or roommates in the decluttering process. You can assign tasks to different people, making the 12-12-12 Challenge a team effort. This not only makes the process more efficient but also more fun.

Lastly, Todo Home's reward system adds an extra layer of motivation. By earning rewards for completed tasks, the 12-12-12 Challenge becomes even more engaging.

In conclusion, Todo Home enhances the 12-12-12 Challenge by providing a structured, collaborative, and rewarding platform for managing your house chores. Give it a try and experience the difference it can make in your decluttering journey.


The 12-12-12 Challenge is more than just a decluttering method - it's a game, a lifestyle, and a catalyst for positive change. By turning decluttering into a fun and rewarding experience, it breaks down the barriers that often hold us back from achieving a more organized and peaceful living environment.

Whether you're a homeowner, a renter, or simply someone interested in home organization, the 12-12-12 Challenge has something to offer. It's simple, effective, and adaptable, making it a great choice for anyone, regardless of their decluttering experience.

So why not give the 12-12-12 Challenge a try? Start small, be consistent, and don't forget to celebrate your progress. With each item you declutter, you're not just creating a more organized space - you're also creating a more organized life. Happy decluttering!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What exactly is the 12-12-12 Challenge?

    The 12-12-12 Challenge is a decluttering method where you find 12 items to throw away, 12 items to donate, and 12 items to be returned to their proper place.

  2. Who invented the 12-12-12 Challenge and why?

    The 12-12-12 Challenge was invented by Joshua Becker, a well-known minimalist and author. He created it as a fun and effective way to declutter and organize homes.

  3. How do I start the 12-12-12 Challenge in my home?

    To start the 12-12-12 Challenge, choose a specific room or area in your home. Then, find 12 items to throw away, 12 items to donate, and 12 items to return to their proper place.

  4. Can I adjust the numbers in the 12-12-12 Challenge to suit my needs?

    Yes, the 12-12-12 Challenge is flexible. You can adjust the numbers to suit your specific needs and circumstances.

  5. What other decluttering methods can I use alongside the 12-12-12 Challenge?

    You can use other decluttering methods like the KonMari Method or the 'One In, One Out' rule alongside the 12-12-12 Challenge to enhance its effectiveness.

  6. How long does it take to see results from the 12-12-12 Challenge?

    The timeframe for seeing results can vary depending on the amount of clutter in your home and how frequently you do the challenge. However, you could see a noticeable difference in your home in as little as a week if you do the challenge daily.

  7. Can the 12-12-12 Challenge be used in areas other than home organization?

    Yes, the principles of the 12-12-12 Challenge can be applied in other areas of life, such as workspace organization, digital decluttering, time management, and building healthy habits.

  8. How can Todo Home help me with the 12-12-12 Challenge?

    Todo Home is a web application that can help you manage your house chores. It features interval-based tasks, collaboration, and a reward system, making it a great companion for the 12-12-12 Challenge.

Article by Siarhei K.


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