Young man in a plumber uniform and rubber gloves cleaning a toilet an a bathroom

How to Clean a Bathroom Step by Step: Tips for Success

Thu May 23 2024 - 19 min read

A clean bathroom is more than just a luxury - it's a necessity. Bathrooms are a place of comfort, relaxation, and unwinding after a long day. But they can also be a breeding ground for bacteria and germs if not properly maintained. That's why knowing how to clean a bathroom effectively is so important.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of cleaning a bathroom, from preparation to the final touches. We'll cover everything from dusting and vacuuming to scrubbing the shower and making your sink shine. We'll also provide tips on maintaining cleanliness and tackling those deep cleaning sessions.

So whether you're a cleaning novice or just looking for a more efficient way to keep your bathroom spotless, this guide is for you. Let's get started!

Key Takeaways

Before we dive into the details of how to clean a bathroom step by step, here are some key takeaways to keep in mind:

  1. Preparation is Key: Before you start cleaning, remove all personal items and gather your cleaning supplies. This makes the cleaning process smoother and more efficient.

  2. Start with Dry Areas: Dust and vacuum before introducing any moisture to prevent dirt from turning into a muddy mess.

  3. Detail is Important: Pay special attention to areas like the shower, bathtub, sink, and toilet. These areas can harbor a lot of germs and require thorough cleaning.

  4. Maintain Cleanliness: Implement routine practices to keep your bathroom clean. This includes daily wipe-downs and weekly cleaning sessions.

  5. Use Tools to Help: Consider using a task manager like Todo Home to manage your cleaning tasks. It can help you schedule tasks, assign responsibilities, and even make cleaning more rewarding.

Remember, a clean bathroom is not only pleasing to the eye but also crucial for maintaining a healthy living environment. Now, let's get started with our detailed guide on how to clean a bathroom step by step.

Step 1: Preparation

Before you dive into the cleaning process, it's important to prepare your bathroom and gather all the necessary supplies. This step is crucial as it sets the stage for a smooth and efficient cleaning process.

Removing Personal Items

Start by removing all personal items from your bathroom. This includes toiletries, bath mats, towels, and any decorative items. Clearing these items out of the way not only makes it easier to clean all surfaces but also prevents your belongings from getting wet or damaged.

Gathering Cleaning Supplies

Next, gather all the cleaning supplies you'll need. This might include:

Having all your supplies at hand before you start will save you time and make the cleaning process more efficient. Now, with your bathroom prepared and your cleaning supplies ready, you're all set to start cleaning your bathroom step by step.

Stay tuned for the next steps where we'll dive into the actual cleaning process. Remember, a well-prepared space is the first step towards a sparkling clean bathroom!

Step 2: Starting with Dry Areas

Before you introduce any water or cleaning solutions into the mix, it's important to start with the dry areas of your bathroom. This step involves dusting and vacuuming, which helps to remove loose dirt and debris from surfaces and prevents them from turning into a muddy mess when wet.


Begin by dusting all surfaces, starting from the top and working your way down. This includes light fixtures, window sills, countertops, and any shelving. A microfiber cloth is great for this task as it can capture dust effectively without leaving any lint behind.


Next, vacuum the floor to pick up any dust and debris that may have fallen during the dusting process. Don't forget to get into corners and around the base of the toilet where dust bunnies like to hide. If your bathroom has a vent fan, use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to clean the vent as well.

Importance of Cleaning Dry Before Wet

Cleaning dry areas before introducing any moisture is crucial for a few reasons. Firstly, it helps to remove the loose dirt and dust that can become a muddy mess when wet. Secondly, it allows you to see and address stains or spots that might be hidden once the area is wet. Lastly, it prevents the spread of dust and dirt to other areas of the bathroom during the cleaning process.

Now that we've taken care of the dry cleaning, we're ready to roll up our sleeves and tackle the rest of the bathroom.

Step 3: Cleaning the Shower and Bathtub

The shower and bathtub are often the most used areas of a bathroom and can accumulate a lot of soap scum, mildew, and grime. Here's how to get them sparkling clean:

Cleaning the Shower Curtain

If your shower curtain is washable, simply remove it and put it in the washing machine with some towels, which will help scrub it clean. If it's not washable, you can clean it by hand using a cloth and a mild detergent.

You can learn more about cleaning a shower curtain from our article: How to Clean a Moldy Shower Curtain

Cleaning Glass Doors

For glass shower doors, use a shower glass cleaner and a soft cloth to wipe down the doors. To prevent water spots and soap scum buildup, consider using a squeegee after each shower.

Cleaning the Bathtub

Start by wetting the tub with warm water. Then, apply a bathroom cleaner and let it sit for a few minutes to break down the dirt and grime. Scrub the tub with a brush, paying special attention to any stained or heavily soiled areas. Rinse thoroughly when done.

Cleaning the Showerhead

Over time, mineral deposits can clog the holes in your showerhead. To clean it, fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and tie it around the showerhead so it's submerged in the vinegar. Leave it overnight, then remove the bag and run the shower to rinse it clean.

Dealing with Common Issues

Soap scum and mildew are common issues in showers and bathtubs. To remove soap scum, use a non-abrasive cleaner and a scrub brush. For mildew, a solution of one part bleach to four parts water can be effective. Always make sure to rinse thoroughly after cleaning and to ventilate your bathroom to prevent the buildup of mildew.

With your shower and bathtub now clean, you're ready to move on to the next step of the bathroom cleaning process.

Step 4: Making Your Sink Shine

The sink is one of the most frequently used areas in the bathroom, and it can quickly accumulate dirt, soap scum, and toothpaste splatters. Here's how to make your sink shine:

Cleaning the Sink

  1. Remove Items: Start by removing all items from the sink, such as soap dispensers, toothbrush holders, and any personal items.

  2. Rinse: Rinse the sink with warm water to wet the surface and help the cleaner spread more easily.

  3. Apply Cleaner: Apply a bathroom cleaner to the sink. You can use a spray cleaner or a cream cleaner, depending on your preference. Let it sit for a few minutes to break down the grime.

  4. Scrub: Use a non-abrasive sponge or cloth to scrub the sink. Pay special attention to the drain and the area around the faucet where grime can build up.

  5. Rinse and Dry: Rinse the sink thoroughly with warm water. Then, dry the sink using a clean towel to prevent water spots and streaks.

Special Attention to Faucets and Fixtures

Faucets and fixtures can often be overlooked during cleaning, but they can collect a surprising amount of dirt and grime. Use a toothbrush dipped in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water to scrub around the base of the faucet and other hard-to-reach areas. For the faucet itself, a cloth soaked in the vinegar solution will do the trick. Remember to dry these areas thoroughly after cleaning to prevent water spots.

With your sink now gleaming, you're ready to move on to the next step of the bathroom cleaning process.

Step 5: Achieving a Sparkling Toilet

The toilet is a key part of any bathroom, and keeping it clean is essential for maintaining a healthy and hygienic space. Here's how to achieve a sparkling clean toilet:

Cleaning the Toilet Bowl

  1. Apply Cleaner: Start by applying a toilet bowl cleaner. Be sure to get under the rim of the bowl where germs like to hide. Let the cleaner sit for a few minutes to break down stains and kill germs.

  2. Scrub: Use a toilet brush to scrub the bowl, paying special attention to any stubborn stains. Flush the toilet to rinse.

Cleaning the Toilet Seat

  1. Wipe Down: Use disinfectant wipes to clean the toilet seat, lid, and the outside of the bowl. Remember to clean the underside of the seat and lid as well.

  2. Dry: After cleaning, dry these areas with a clean towel to prevent water spots and streaks.

Cleaning the Toilet Tank

  1. Dust: Dust the outside of the tank with a microfiber cloth.

  2. Wipe Down: For a deeper clean, you can also wipe down the outside of the tank with a damp cloth and a mild cleaner.

Safe and Effective Use of Disinfectants

When using disinfectants, it's important to follow the instructions on the product label. This will ensure that you're using the product safely and effectively. Always ventilate your bathroom when using these products and wear gloves to protect your skin.

With your toilet now sparkling clean, you're ready to move on to the next step of the bathroom cleaning process.

Step 6: Mirrors, Cabinets, and Shelves

Mirrors, cabinets, and shelves play a crucial role in the functionality and aesthetics of your bathroom. Keeping them clean and organized not only enhances the appearance of your bathroom but also makes your daily routine more efficient.

Cleaning Glass and Mirrors

  1. Spray Cleaner: Start by spraying a glass cleaner on the mirror. Avoid spraying too much as it can lead to streaks.

  2. Wipe Down: Using a microfiber cloth, start wiping from the top and move to the bottom. The key to avoiding streaks is to move in a consistent pattern, such as left to right and top to bottom.

  3. Dry: After wiping, use a dry microfiber cloth to dry the mirror and remove any remaining streaks.

Cleaning Cabinets and Shelves

  1. Remove Items: Start by removing all items from the cabinets and shelves.

  2. Dust: Dust the interior and exterior of the cabinets and shelves using a microfiber cloth.

  3. Wipe Down: For a deeper clean, you can wipe down the cabinets and shelves with a damp cloth and a mild cleaner. Make sure to dry them thoroughly afterward to prevent water damage.

Organizing Items for a Neat Appearance

  1. Sort Items: Sort all the items you removed from the cabinets and shelves. Discard any expired or unwanted items.

  2. Organize: Place the items back in an organized manner. You might want to group similar items, such as skincare products or hair products.

  3. Maintain: Try to maintain this organization in your daily routine. It will make your bathroom look neat and also make your routine more efficient.

With your mirrors gleaming and your cabinets organized, your bathroom is starting to look professionally cleaned.

Step 7: Floors and Bathroom Mats

The bathroom floor can often be overlooked, but it's an important area to keep clean. Similarly, bathroom mats need regular care to keep them fresh and hygienic. Here's how to tackle both:

Best Practices for Cleaning Bathroom Floors

  1. Sweep or Vacuum: Start by removing any loose dirt and debris with a broom or vacuum. Don't forget to get into corners and behind the toilet.

  2. Mop: Next, use a mop and a suitable floor cleaner to clean the floor. Make sure to wring out the mop well - you want it damp, not soaking wet.

  3. Dry: After mopping, dry the floor thoroughly to prevent slips and falls. You can use a dry mop, a towel, or even a fan to speed up the drying process.

Care Instructions for Bath Mats

  1. Shake Out: Regularly shake out your bath mat to remove any loose dirt.

  2. Wash: Most bath mats can be machine-washed. Check the care label on your mat for specific instructions. Generally, using a gentle cycle with cold water and a mild detergent works well.

  3. Dry: After washing, hang your bath mat to dry. Some mats can be tumble-dried, but again, check the care label to be sure.

With your floors clean and your bath mat fresh, your bathroom is nearly sparkling from top to bottom. Stay tuned for the final steps in our bathroom cleaning guide!

Step 8: Maintaining Cleanliness

Now that your bathroom is sparkling clean, the goal is to keep it that way. Here's how to maintain the cleanliness of your bathroom:

Routine Practices to Keep the Bathroom Clean

  1. Daily Wipe Down: After using the bathroom, take a minute to wipe down the sink and countertop with a cloth. This quick wipe-down can prevent soap scum and toothpaste splatters from building up.

  2. Weekly Cleaning: Set aside time each week for a more thorough cleaning. This includes all the steps we've covered, such as cleaning the shower, toilet, sink, and floor.

  3. Keep Items Organized: Try to keep your items organized and put them back in their designated places after use. This not only keeps your bathroom looking neat but also makes cleaning easier.

Scheduling Deep Cleaning Sessions

In addition to your regular cleaning routine, it's a good idea to schedule deep cleaning sessions every few months. These sessions are for tasks that don't need to be done weekly but still need regular attention. This might include cleaning the grout, washing the shower curtain, or cleaning the exhaust fan.

Remember, maintaining a clean bathroom is easier than cleaning a very dirty one. With these practices, you'll be able to keep your bathroom clean and fresh with less effort.

Using Todo Home to Manage Your Bathroom Cleaning Tasks

Cleaning a bathroom can be a daunting task, especially when you're juggling it with other household chores. That's where Todo Home comes in. Todo Home is a web application designed to make managing house chores easier and more efficient.

What is Todo Home?

Todo Home is a task manager specifically designed for house chores. It features interval-based tasks, collaboration, and a reward system, making it a perfect tool for managing your bathroom cleaning tasks.

How Can Todo Home Help?

Interval-Based Tasks: With Todo Home, you can set up your bathroom cleaning tasks based on intervals. For example, you might want to clean the toilet once a week, scrub the shower every two weeks, and deep clean the entire bathroom once a month. Todo Home allows you to schedule these tasks and sends reminders when it's time to get to cleaning.

Collaboration: If you live with others, Todo Home allows you to assign tasks to different people. This means you can share the responsibility of cleaning the bathroom with your housemates or family members. It's a great way to ensure that everyone contributes to maintaining a clean and healthy bathroom.

Reward System: To make cleaning more fun, Todo Home features a reward system. You can earn points for completing tasks, which can be a great motivator to keep your bathroom clean. After all, who doesn't like a little reward for their hard work?

Maintaining a clean bathroom doesn't have to be a chore. With the right tools like Todo Home and a good cleaning routine, you can keep your bathroom sparkling clean with ease.


We've covered a lot of ground in this guide, from the initial preparation to the final touches of maintaining a clean bathroom. We've learned how to tackle each part of the bathroom, including the shower, toilet, sink, mirrors, cabinets, shelves, and floors. We've also discussed how to care for your bathroom mats and how to keep your bathroom clean regularly

Remember, a clean bathroom is not only aesthetically pleasing but also crucial for maintaining a healthy living environment. With the steps outlined in this guide, you're well-equipped to keep your bathroom sparkling clean.

Moreover, with the help of Todo Home, managing your bathroom cleaning tasks can be efficient and even rewarding. So, roll up your sleeves, put on some music, and transform your bathroom cleaning routine into a more enjoyable and fulfilling task.

Here's to maintaining a clean and healthy bathroom. Happy cleaning!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What are the steps in cleaning the bathroom?

    • The steps include preparation, starting with dry areas, cleaning the shower and bathtub, making your sink shine, achieving a sparkling toilet, cleaning mirrors, cabinets, and shelves, taking care of floors and bathroom mats, and maintaining cleanliness.
  2. How do you deep clean a bathroom in 10 steps?

    • Deep cleaning involves all the steps mentioned above, with special attention to areas that often get overlooked, such as the grout in the shower, the inside of the toilet tank, and the exhaust fan.
  3. How do you clean a bathroom?

    • Cleaning a bathroom involves a series of steps that include dusting, scrubbing, wiping, and drying different areas of the bathroom. It's important to use the right cleaning products and tools for each task.
  4. How do you clean a bathroom in 10 minutes?

    • A quick clean can involve wiping down surfaces, cleaning the toilet bowl, and sweeping the floor. However, a deep clean will take longer.
  5. How do you clean a bathroom in 30 minutes?

    • A 30-minute cleanup can include more tasks such as cleaning the shower, scrubbing the sink, and mopping the floor.
  6. How long should it take to fully clean a bathroom?

    • The time it takes can vary depending on the size of the bathroom and the level of dirt and grime. A deep clean can take anywhere from an hour to a few hours.
  7. How do I completely deep clean my bathroom?

    • A complete deep clean involves cleaning every part of the bathroom, including often overlooked areas like the inside of the toilet tank and the exhaust fan.
  8. How long does it take to thoroughly clean a bathroom?

    • A thorough clean can take anywhere from an hour to a few hours, depending on the size of the bathroom and the level of dirt and grime.
  9. What is the best thing to clean a bathroom with?

    • The best cleaning supplies for a bathroom include all-purpose cleaner, disinfectant wipes, toilet bowl cleaner, glass cleaner, a scrub brush, microfiber cloths, and a mop.
  10. How do you clean a bathroom perfectly?

    • Cleaning a bathroom perfectly involves careful attention to detail, using the right cleaning products and tools, and following a systematic process to ensure every part of the bathroom gets cleaned.
  11. What is the best order to clean a bathroom?

    • A good order to clean a bathroom is to start with dry areas, then move on to the shower and bathtub, followed by the sink, toilet, mirrors, cabinets, and shelves, and finally the floors and bathroom mats.
  12. How often should I clean my bathroom?

    • It's a good idea to do a quick clean of your bathroom every week, with a deeper clean every few months.
  13. What tools do I need to clean my bathroom?

    • Useful tools for cleaning a bathroom include a toilet brush, a scrub brush for the tub and tiles, microfiber cloths for wiping surfaces, and a mop for the floors.
  14. How can I make my bathroom cleaning routine more efficient?

    • You can make your cleaning routine more efficient by keeping your cleaning supplies organized, following a systematic process, and using a task manager like Todo Home to schedule and track your tasks.
  15. How can I keep my bathroom clean on a daily basis?

    • Daily practices like wiping down the sink and countertop after use, using a squeegee after showering, and keeping items organized can help keep your bathroom clean daily.
  16. What are some common mistakes to avoid when cleaning a bathroom?

    • Common mistakes include not letting cleaning products sit long enough to be effective, not cleaning in the right order (dry before wet), and not drying surfaces after cleaning, which can lead to water spots and streaks.
  17. How can Todo Home help me manage my bathroom cleaning tasks?

    • Todo Home can help you schedule your cleaning tasks, assign tasks to different people, and even make cleaning more rewarding with its point system.
  18. How do I use the reward system in Todo Home?

    • You can earn points in Todo Home by completing tasks. These points can be exchanged for treats provided by other family members or roommates.
  19. Can I share my Todo Home tasks with other members of my household?

    • Yes, Todo Home allows you to assign tasks to different people, making it easy to share the responsibility of cleaning the bathroom.
  20. How do I schedule deep cleaning sessions in Todo Home?

    • You can schedule deep cleaning sessions in Todo Home just like any other task. Simply set the task and the interval, and Todo Home will remind you when it's time to deep clean your bathroom.

Remember, a clean bathroom is not only pleasing to the eye but also crucial for maintaining a healthy living environment. Happy cleaning!

Article by Siarhei K.


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